In today’s society, it’s often discussed that some women display a sense of entitlement.
But, why are women so entitled? Are there any specific causes for that behavior?
This article will delve into understanding the reasons behind this behavior, examining the cultural, social, and psychological factors driving these attitudes.

Join us as we explore this topic in a balanced and informative manner, and learn how societal expectations and influences may contribute to shaping this phenomenon.
Why are women so entitled?
In order to address the question of perceived entitlement in women, it’s important to refrain from generalizations and to explore the complex interplay of societal, cultural, historical, and individual factors.
Some perceive a sense of entitlement due to deeply seated societal norms and gender roles. From a young age, boys and girls are socialized differently.
Boys are often encouraged to be independent and self-reliant, while girls are traditionally encouraged to express their emotions and needs. It’s not entitlement, but a form of communication that has been instilled by society.
Next, changes in societal attitudes can play a role. Women’s rights have significantly advanced over the years, leading to more females taking up roles traditionally occupied by males.
This increasing equality may be interpreted as entitlement by those used to older societal norms.
Lastly, entitlement is not gender-specific — it is a personality trait that can be found in both men and women. In fact, research suggests that men exhibit entitlement behaviors more so than women.
A common cognitive bias, known as the “fundamental attribution error”, could lead to the overgeneralization and stereotype that “women are entitled” when individuals observe these behaviors in a few women and apply it to all.
In conclusion, the claim that women are universally entitled is a stereotype that doesn’t hold up under scrutiny. Entitlement is a trait that spans across genders and is influenced by multitudinous factors.
What Causes a Person to Feel Entitled?
Several factors can cause a person to develop a sense of entitlement.

- Upbringing – Parenting style can significantly influence a person’s mindset. If individuals are always given what they want without having to work for it, this may lead to entitlement feelings in adulthood.
- Societal Norms – Society’s norms and expectations can also contribute. For instance, social media often portrays an image that everyone is entitled to a perfect life, which can influence people to feel that they deserve the same.
- Narcissistic Traits – People with narcissistic personality traits often exhibit a sense of entitlement, thinking that they deserve special treatment.
- Lack of Empathy – A lack of empathy can lead to an inability to understand the perspectives of others, leading one to feel they deserve more without considering others’ feelings or needs.
How Do I Deal with My Entitled Girlfriend?
Dealing with an entitled partner can be challenging. Here are a few strategies:
- Communication – Honest, assertive communication is key. Clearly express your feelings without blaming or criticizing. For instance, use statements focusing on your feelings, such as “I feel upset when…” instead of “You always…”.
- Set Boundaries – Establishing what behavior you find acceptable is crucial. If your partner’s entitlement behavior crosses your boundaries, communicate that respectfully but firmly.
- Encourage Empathy – Encouraging your partner to see things from your perspective can be helpful. Discussing situations, feelings, and potential role reversals might promote understanding.
- Seek Professional Help – If the situation is causing significant distress or the behavior remains unchanged despite several discussions, it may be beneficial to seek help from professionals, such as a relationship counselor.
Remember, it’s important to address these issues in a respectful and loving manner, emphasizing that the conversation aims for mutual understanding and growth.
Do Entitled People Know They’re Entitled?
People who feel entitled may not necessarily be aware of their own attitudes.
This absence of self-awareness often stems from the fact that their sense of entitlement may be deeply ingrained and feel completely normal to them.

Additionally, defensive behaviors can hinder their ability to accept feedback about their behavior.
How Do You Tell Someone to Stop Being Entitled?
Telling someone to stop being entitled can be delicate. Here are a few suggestions:
- Communicate Tactfully – Express your concerns using “I” statements rather than “you” statements to prevent defensiveness.
- Give Feedback Constructively – Describe specific instances when the entitled behavior occurred and why it was a problem.
- Set Boundaries – Clearly outline your limits and stand firm.
- Promote Empathy – Encourage them to consider other perspectives.
Remember, it’s essential to approach the conversation with patience and respect, understanding that change may take time.
What is the Difference Between Narcissism and Entitlement?
While narcissism and entitlement are related, they are not the same.
Narcissism is a personality trait characterized by grandiosity, a lack of empathy, and a need for admiration. Narcissists view themselves as superior and often exploit others to meet their own needs.
Entitlement, on the other hand, is a personality trait associated with the belief that one deserves certain privileges or recognition without necessarily having earned them.
In essence, while all narcissists display entitlement, not all individuals with a sense of entitlement are narcissists. Narcissism includes several other behaviors and attitudes in addition to entitlement.
Conclusion :
It’s misleading and incorrect to categorize all women, or any group of individuals, as being entitled.
Entitlement, a complex trait, spans across genders and is shaped by numerous factors including societal norms, upbringing, and individual personality traits.
In fact, research suggests a higher prevalence of entitlement behavior in men than women.
As we progress as a society, it’s crucial to move away from harmful stereotypes and instead focus on fostering individual growth, empathy, and equitable treatment regardless of gender.